Millions of children of Islam across the country will sit for I’tikaf tomorrow

Millions of children of Islam across the country will sit for I'tikaf tomorrow

Narrated Aisha: (the wife of the Prophet) The Prophet used to practice I‘tikaf in the last ten days of Ramadan till he died and then his wives used to practice I`tikaf after him.

Reference:- Sahih Bukhari 2026

Millions of children of Islam across the country will have the privilege of sitting for I’tikaf tomorrow, arrangements have been completed in this regard.

The last decade of Ramadan is starting one day later, on Tuesday, April 11, 20th of Ramadan, millions of children of Islam will sit for Masnoon I’tikaf before the Maghrib prayer.


In this regard, special arrangements have been made for i’tikaf to sit in mosques across the country, and special preparations have been made in homes and mosques.

It should be noted that thousands of people also sit in Itikaaf in the mosques managed by the Awqaf Department.

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