Innovative AFIS technology for biometric identification is introduced by NADRA

As a “public good,” “NADIR” may swiftly store fingerprints and identify people for a variety of uses.

The National Database & Registration Authority (NADRA) has made available for civil use its cutting-edge Automated Finger Identification System (AFIS), known as “NADIR”.

This is an important turning point for NADRA, which has now entered the elite group of global providers of biometric identity technology.

In the area of cutting-edge digital technology for border security, biometrics, identity management, and e-governance, NADRA is a pioneer. In the areas of digital identification, verification, and security, the firm has continuously pushed the envelope of what is feasible, establishing a reputation as a leader in the field.

A significant development in the field of biometrics, “NADIR” makes use of the distinctive qualities of fingerprints to provide a solid and trustworthy technique of identity verification. Based on the internationally renowned benchmarking study known as the Fingerprint Verification Competition (FVC), which was carried out in Italy, NADIR has obtained an excellent accuracy rate of more than 99.5%.

The NADRA Chairman Tariq Malik observed, “The right kind of innovation builds not only organizations or governments — it also builds countries,” during the inaugural event. An innovative development in the realm of civic identification as well as nation-building is the indigenous creation of AFIS. With the use of its cutting-edge technology, we can now reliably and swiftly store fingerprints and identify people for a variety of public good objectives, such as immigration, border control, and social services.

With the creation of NADIR, Pakistan has joined the group of countries that have created their own AFIS technology. The country is now prepared to sell its product on the global market to aid nations in improving civil identity, border control, and e-governance. The manufacturers of biometric identification technology from developed nations including the USA, UK, Russia, Japan, France, Germany, and others mostly control the global market.

In terms of civic identity and the goal of nation-building, NADRA’s indigenous creation of AFIS technology is a ground-breaking success. It highlights the company’s dedication to innovation and strengthens its position as a world leader in cutting-edge identity management systems.

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