Find new friends | If they do not talk about business | success and new opportunities

If your friends are not discussing money, success, and new opportunities, you should change your friends.

As is well known, science has established that people are energy sponges. Friends enrich our lives, so choosing friends wisely is important because it affects your ability to think. Bad friends can ruin your life, but good friends can change and enhance it. If your friends don’t discuss money, success, and new opportunities, find new friends.

Relationships with people matter a lot. In his blog, Bill Gates describes how Warren Buffett helped him define success in terms of the quality of one’s interpersonal connections. They have been close friends for many years, and Gates attributes a large part of his success to his friendship with Warren Buffett.

You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with, according to some research. In the modern era, it is acceptable to discuss your financial situation or your bad credit score, but most people do not discuss their sizable bank balances, and quite frankly, why should they? It sounds as annoying as dragging nails across a chalkboard when someone brags about their new Mercedes-Benz vehicle.

Today, 70% of millionaires are first-generation millionaires, meaning they did not receive their wealth from their ancestors. Instead, they made a concerted effort to arrive here and have earned their fortune. Making money requires courage—the courage to take risks and the courage to be an entrepreneur.

Let’s examine it as a more streamlined illustration. You will naturally start to like cars and want to trade in your old, rusted-out car for a new one if you hang out with friends who talk about cars. If your friends talk about real estate a lot, you might consider starting a new company to buy/sell land and other property. Everyone aspires to financial success. Affluence brings happiness. Going into business with a friend is harmless.

The best way to change your mindset for better business opportunities is to surround yourself with friends and family who talk about business and money. Friends who discuss wealth, money, and business are more likely to change your future than those who criticize you.

Sit with winners, they advise, and the conversation will be different.

That is all there is to know about me, but I should caution you that for me, freelancing is a journey rather than a final destination.

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